and more
STAR accredits Discover Montessori School!
Discover Montessori School is running under the auspices of Montessori Society Bulgaria, affiliated society to AMI. STAR serves as a…
Parents section | Communication
Help Your Child Communicate – 5 tips by Montessori Have conversations with your baby. When your child makes sounds, respond…
Discover Montessori School announce the launch of the MAGIC program
Otkrivatel Montessori school is running under the auspices of Montessori Society Bulgaria, affiliated society to AMI. Discover Montessori School…
The Right Use of Imagination
by Maria Montessori Ref: Educating the Human Potential By Dr.Maria Montessori The six-year-old who comes from a Montessori class, for…
Interview with Karen Pearce
Karen Pearce is a Director of Pedagogy at The Montessori Place in Brighton, UK, where she mentors the Children’s House…
Parents section | Independence in Sleeping
Your child should have his own bed in his own space. If you always put your child to sleep in…
Parents section | Independence in Eating
Prepare a low kitchen cabinet for your child’s small drinking glasses, a small jug , bowls, plates, spoons, and forks,…
Parents section – Independence in Dressing
Offer clothes that allow for independence: shirts that easily pull over her head, bottoms with an elastic waist, Velcro-style fastenings,…
Interview with Jip Bartels from AMI Certification Course: Montessori Sport
Right now the option to register for AMI Certification Course: Montessori Sport is opened, the course objective is you to…
Montessori bed (The low bed) for newborns
Dear friends, Let us tell you about some obstacles that newborns face on their way immediately after birth. Dr. Silvana…
An inspiring love for the natural world, a sense of community, global citizens
Meet Rolla Hamide a teacher at Discover Montessori School where they have Pre-school (2,5 – 6 years), Elementary (6 –…
An inspiring love for the natural world, a sense of community, global citizens
Meet Rolla Hamide a teacher at Discover Montessori School where they have Pre-school (2,5 – 6 years), Elementary (6 –…
How the adolescence builds on the early childhood
Anna-Mariya Yotsova, AMI Montessori teacher 3-6, 6-12, 12-18, Guide in an elementary Montessori classroom, Co-founder and Pedagogical Director of Otkrivatel…
Montessori: The world’s most influential school?
By David Robson and Alessia Franco, BBC Tech geniuses, nation builders and famous artists have praised the benefits of…
Montessori and Equity: Rising to New Challenges
Part 3 of a 3-Part Series Montessori and Equity: Rising to New Challenges By Mark Swartz Resource: The Montessori…
Maria Montessori’s Influence on Early Education
Part 1 of a 3-Part Series By Mark Swartz Resource: Part I: From Italy to the World Maria Montessori…
Maria Montessori Myth Busting
Part 2 of a 3-Part Series Maria Montessori Myth Busting By Mark Swartz Resource: By Mark Swartz Montessori Myths…
The Best Weapon for Peace: Maria Montessori, Education, and Children’s Rights
Book Review The Best Weapon for Peace: Maria Montessori, Education, and Children’s Rights (George L. Mosse Series in Modern European…
Global Montessori event | AMI
Dear members of Montessori Society Bulgaria, We are excited to announce that AMI’s 2021 Annual Global Meeting will be held…
Webinar: Support during social distance
In support of teachers and school principals, Montessori Society Bulgaria organises a free webinar on “How to support children and…
Support in time of social distance
Dear colleagues, In view of the emergency situation related to the dissemination of COVID 19 affecting our communities, we from…
Stay strong. Stay healthy. Stay kind.
Dear parents and teachers, Our community members, our families and children are staying at home. Please do your very best to…
Forced postponement of From Casa to Elementary seminar
We are extremely disappointed to announce that we have no choice but to postpone the From Casa to Elementary event…
How to prepare your child for school is the topic of the upcoming seminar
What are the characteristics of the child who is entering the second plane of development? How can we help him…
New AMI Certificate Course 0-3 starts on March 16
Join this AMI Certificate Course 0-3 with Tiina Suominen and uplift your work with very young children between 0 i…
Transformed name, logo and website
At the end of 2019, we would like to share with you the exciting news of the transformation of the…
Seminar ‘How to support the child in the first year of life’
A seminar focused on the first year of child’s life will be held on January 17 and 18, 2020. The…
How does Montessori support children’s rights?
On 20th of November we celebrate 30th anniversary of the day on which the United Nation’s Assembly adopted the Declaration…
3 new Montessori movie screenings for “The Child is the Guide”
As a young father, director Alexandre Mouro observes his daughter make her first steps in life, and considering her upcoming…
Successful completion of the 2nd AMI certificate course 0-3 in Bulgaria
We are grateful for the dedication, energy and knowledge of Tiina Suominen, and we wish all the graduates a success…
The graduates of the first AMI Assistants Course 3-6 in Bulgaria got their certificates
Days full of new knowledge, expanding your comfort zone, challenging work, inspiring lecturer, intrinsic motivation and making new friends. At…
The 2nd AMI Certificate Course starts in Sofia
We invite you to become part of a large Montessori community that is changing the world through a better understanding…
Premiere of Montessori documentary “Guide is the child”
Предпремиерната прожекция за представянето на документалния филм за Монтесори образованието – LE MAÎTRE EST L’ENFANT, с българско заглавие “Учител е детето”, създаден от френския режисьор Александър Муро ще се състои на 5 юни, сряда, в 18:30 часа, в Културен център G8 на ул. „Уилям Гладстон“ в София.
The first AMI Assistants course 3-6 in Sofia
Институт Монтесори България организира първият в България AMI Сертификационен курс за Асистенти 3-6, т.е. обучение предназначено да помогне на всеки, който желае да бъде помощник в Монтесори детска общност за деца между 3 и 6 години.
AMI Seminar: Montessori Elementary Education 6-12
Carla Foster leads a seminar in Sofia on 2-3 November, 2018 This practical seminar is designed for supporting the professional…
The 19th Montessori Europe Congress brought together more than 300 educational experts in Sofia
The largest European Montessori event in 2018 took place in Sofia this autumn. More than 300 Montessori delegates from all…
First AMI Certificate Assistants Course Starts with Patricia Wallner in Sofia
Patricia Wallner is in Sofia to lead the AMI Certificate Assistants Course 0-3, organised by Institute Montessori Bulgaria. This training…
World expert with inspiring lectures for the Montessori pedagogy in Sofia
Institute Montessori Bulgaria hosted an inspiting event in Sofia between 16th and 18th May with the special participation of Elina…
The registrations for ME congress in Sofia are open
You can now register for this year’s Montessori Europe congress, which will take place in Sofia (Bulgaria) from 5 –…
The Foundation of the Human Being
Dr. Silvana Quattrocchi Montanaro, M.D. Dr. Silvana Quattrocchi Montanaro received her degree in medicine and surgery, with a specialty in psychiatry,…
Call for Proposals for the Montessori Europe Congress
Dear Montessori professional, practitioners and enthusiasts, Our next Montessori Europe congress will take place in Sofia from October 5th to…
The developing brain – Brainstorm tour: Spring 2018
At the invitation of the Institute Montessori Bulgaria, on April 5 we will welcome to Sofia Dr. Laura Flores Shaw…
Dr. Steven Hughes: For building the skills necessary for life
Dr. Steven Hughes a pediatric neuropsychologist and Director of the Center for Research on Developmental Education, an education outcome research…
Nature in Education
A lecture given on 27 March 1913 Maria Montessori The importance of nature is one of the deepest questions we…
AMI Seminar: The Child between 0 and 3
At the end of 2017, we were happy to welcome to Sofia Patricia Wallner – an inspiring lecturer and AMI…
European Montessori Congress in Sofia
In October 2018, Institute Montessori Bulgaria will be a host and co-organizer of an international Montessori event – Montessori Europe…
150 teachers and parents participated in educational conference ‘Child development in the social environment’
September 17 was a day full with ideas, discoveries, networking and valuable insights. Institute Montessori Bulgaria welcomed over 150 teachers from schools…
Dr. Steve Hudges about the attention and executive functioning in young children
Dr. Steve Hughes will be a keynote speaker at the upcoming conference on “Child Development in the Social Environment”. Steve…
International Educational Experts are Speakers at the Conference on 17th of Sept
Judith Orion, AMI Director of Training, will be a Keynote Speaker at the forthcoming educational conference on 17th of September in…
Montessori Workshop 0-3 in Sofia
Teachers and educators, representatives of private and public primary schools, and parents participated in the conducted Montessori Workshop 0-3 on 16-18 June in Sofia. The…
Education Conference: Child Development in the Social Environment
Educational Conference: Child Development in the Social Environment will be conducted on 17th of September in Sofia. The focus of the event is…
Institute Montessori Bulgaria officially is Affiliated society of AMI
The Bulgarian national organisation Institute Montessori of Bulgaria officially became Affiliated society of Association Montessori Internationale (AMI) С гордост искаме…
The first AMI Montessori Diploma course in Bulgarian
The First AMI Montessori teachers training course with translation into Bulgarian language starts in October 2017 in Munich. AMI Montessori…
Children, send your teacher to Prague for free!
At the 28th International Montessori Congress in Prague – 28-30 July 2017 we will be showcasing children’s artwork to share…
AMI Montessori workshop 3-6 was held in Sofia
Institute Montessori Bulgaria hosted AMI Montessori workshop 3-6 led by frau Maria Roth that took place on 16-18 January in…
Montessori education in 21st century
Drs. Elisabeth C.J. Mattijssen (Montessori teacher, Master in Pedagogy and neuro-psychologist), drs. Ward van de Vijver (Master in Pedagogy) and…