Call for Proposals for the Montessori Europe Congress

Етикети: Montessori Europe Congress 2018

Dear Montessori professional, practitioners and enthusiasts,

Our next Montessori Europe congress will take place in Sofia from October 5th to 7th, 2018 and will be organized in co-operation with the Association Institute Montessori Bulgaria.

We will focus this year on the practical part of our pedagogy, our topic is “Inside the Montessori Classroom – inspiring best practices”.

The main objective is to gather, share and exchange experiences and ideas how to extend the knowledge of Montessori education. Aiming at strengthening the community across Europe, providing networking opportunities and inspiration and refreshment, the congress will be a European forum for sharing and conversation of best practices inspired by the Montessori practice.

Our Call for Proposals for workshop contributions is now open! We invite you all to take an active part in the congress – send us your Workshop-Proposal-ME-Congress-Sofia for a workshop that would bring valuable contribution to European Montessori Education.

Save the dates 5th-7th of October in your calendar!

Share this event within your community and invite your colleagues, teachers and friends to take part!

Looking forward to meeting you all in Sofia on 5th of October!

Best regards,

Christian Grune, Anna Maryia Yotsova, Beata Bednarczuk and Mirjam Stefels

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