The largest European Montessori event in 2018 took place in Sofia this autumn.
More than 300 Montessori delegates from all over the world participated from 5 to 7 October at Sofia Hotel Balkan to exchange ideas and opportunities for the development of the Montessori community. The theme of the congress was “Inside the Montessori classroom – inspiring best practices” and the program includes lectures, workshops and discussions focused on best practices of Montessori education.
This international Montessori event was organised by Montessori Europe in partnership with Association Institute Montessori Bulgaria, affiliated to AMI. The event was supported by the Municipality of Plovdiv and the Ministry of Education and Science in Bulgaria. Montessori education in Bulgaria is still very young and the Montessori Europe congress could be supportive in strengthening the position of the Montessori pedagogy in Bulgaria.
Keynote speakers
Ginny Sackett, Baiba Krumins Grazzini, Steven Arnolold are leading names in Montessori education and keynote speakers of the Congress. What turns a teacher in a classroom into a scientist; What do we call Cosmic Education and what is the relationship and role of the human being with the Universe; The 21st century belongs to the adolescent – what are you going to do about it?
Break-out sessions and workshops
One-hour sessions on valuable topics included discussions about the Scientist in the classroom: Montessori teacher in the role of scientist, Cosmic education, Characteristics of age 12-18 years, Building healthy foundations between 0 and 3 years.
Part of the program of the event included more than 20 interactive and hands-on workshops that present important topics for personal development in all stages of growth – from birth to maturity. Some of the most interesting were: The keys for starting up a Montessori school for children from 15 months to 15 years, Adaptation from 0 to 3. Trust as a key element – practical steps for developing trust between parent, child and adult, Best Practices for Introducing Montessori public kindergarten education, Autonomy in foreign language learning: Montessori classroom practices.
MMUN Teacher’s Workshop
Обучение на учители по програма Монтесори модел Обединени Нации () бе интегрирана част от програмата. Това е програма, която цели да вдъхнови младите хора за по-добър свят, защото както казва Мария Монтесори: “в съзнанието на детето, можем да намерим ключа за постигане на напредък.” Всяка година ученици от над 20 страни по света на възраст между 9 и 15 години се включат като делегати в програмата. This year the annual congress of Montessori Europe provided an opportunity for Montessori Model United Nations (MMUN) teachers training. This is a program that aims to inspire young people to a better world because, as Maria Montessori says, “in the mind of the child, we can find the key to progress.” Every year, students from over 20 countries around the world 9 and 15 year olds participate as delegates in the program.