Drs. Elisabeth C.J. Mattijssen (Montessori teacher, Master in Pedagogy and neuro-psychologist), drs. Ward van de Vijver (Master in Pedagogy) and Chris Willemsen (Montessori teacher and Manager development “Nienhuis Montessori”) are the principle contributors for increasing the knowledge of teachers and parents of Montessori education and exchange of experiences and ideas.
This seminar “Montessori Education in the 21st Century”, conducted between 22 – 24 April 2016, offers a profound insight into infancy 0-3 and early childhood 3-6, and understanding of development of child’s personality by teachers and parents. The programme is a unique and gives opportunity for all teachers and parents, together with an international group of teachers, то gain substantial insights into Montessori principles, the development of young children, the attitude of the Montessori teacher and adult and the most recent research in the field. Besides Montessori knowledge, psychology and practical work you will learn how to improve your education, develop observation skills and the use of didactical skills. You will learn to understand children’s true needs so they may develop their full potential.
You could watch the short movie here.