Montessori quality standards

What is the Quality Assurance Program applying the Montessori methodology?

Quality assurance program for applying the Montessori methodology or Montessori Quality Assurance Programme (MQAP) has been designed as a partner and in support of all schools, kindergartens and children’s centers that seek to provide an educational environment that meets child development needs and build on the science-based pedagogy, established by Dr. Maria Montessori. It will assist schools and centres to engage in a process of review, improvement and maintenance to ensure the highest level of Montessori experiences for children and preparation for life.

The emphasis for the MQAP is on continuous learning, improvement and mastery rather than just registration. It highlights the key indicators for quality Montessori practice and supports these with a model of mentoring and professional development. Institute Montessori Bulgaria (IMB) through Montessori Society Bulgaria as a national society administers the MQAP. All schools, kindergartens and children’s centers are eligible to participate. All services included in the MQAP and registered according as Montessori Standard™ are listed here.

Elements of the programme

MQAP involve following components:

  • Quality Areas
  • Quality Standards
  • Indicators of Quality Practice for applying Montessori pedagogy
  • Cross referencing to National educational requirements and The pre-school and school education Act and the Education regulations in force in Bulgaria.

Why should my school, kindergarten or centre participate?

To promote and increase trust in the provision of high quality Montessori environments for current and prospective families.

To inform families of quality practice and delivery of Montessori prepared environments.

To assist staff with the development of a culture of continuous reflection and improvement leading to maintenance of quality outcomes for consumers.

To promote and increase the profile and outcomes of Montessori environments with state and legislation bodies leading to the validation and recognition of Montessori models.

To enable provided education to fit within and to support services to meet State and government requirements for improvement of standards, quality teaching and learning, accountability and professionalism.

To assist the synergy of the national standards and international Montessori standards.

To increase awareness of the Montessori approach to education and care and Montessori philosophy in the wider Bulgarian society.


Sign and Commit to the Charter of Montessori Quality Standard

Orientation and Induction

Self evaluation reports

Visit and assessment

Option A
Mentoring Programme followed by assessment visit
Option B
Immediate assessment visit

Annual progress reporting

Status / Level

Have applied to the programme and committed to the Montessori Charter.
Have committed to the Montessori Charter, participated in an orientation and induction session and are preparing for an assessment visit. The self evaluation reports need to be submitted to Institute Montessori Bulgaria (IMB) within 6 months of the school or kindergarten participating in an orientation and induction session.
Montessori standard
Member of Montessori Standard™, was part of an assessment visit and was rated as eligible for more than 60% of the quality standards and could participate in the AMI’s Global School Accreditation programme.


of Quality assurance program for applying the Montessori methodology


  • All children have the right to an environment that is carefully prepared so that it meets and nurtures the developmental needs of each child.
  • The child is an active participant in the learning process.
  • Multi-age groups aligned with developmental planes provide for optimal social, emotional and cognitive learning.
  • Self-discovery and exploration are important parts of the learning process.
  • A non-competitive approach and the use of self-correcting materials promotes independence and self-confidence.
  • The culturally diverse backgrounds of families and their active involvement in the school or centre enrich and foster a community that embraces tolerance and cooperation.

As a result of these beliefs, we strive to implement the following Montessori Quality Standards:

Montessori Prepared Adults

  • Have Montessori qualifications for the levels they work
  • Undertake regular Montessori professional development to enable them to be reflective practitioners and life-long learners
  • Utilise observation as a foundational tool to guide each child’s learning
  • Serve as role models
  • Serve as facilitators for the child’s natural development, learning and discovery

Montessori Prepared Learning Environment

  • Has appropriate multi-age groupings aligned with the planes of developmental
  • Builds in uninterrupted daily work periods, considering a minimum three hour work cycle as ideal, and integrates any specialty programmes consistent with Montessori key principles
  • Is organised according to Montessori principles and offers multiple learning opportunities and indoor and outdoor learning spaces
  • Offers a full complement of developmentally appropriate Montessori materials, resources and activities
  • Is aesthetically pleasing, well maintained, ordered and provides enticement to activity
  • Supports the child’s development and encourages self-responsibility and awareness of how actions may influence others and the environment

Montessori Curriculum Planning, Implementation and Assessment

  • Follows the Montessori National Curriculum, is developmentally appropriate, dynamic, purposeful, engaging and lays the foundations for further learning
  • Is guided by Montessori principles in all aspects
  • Encourages independence, self-direction, active learning and discovery
  • Uses a process of student progress assessment and reporting that is compatible with Montessori principles

Commitment to Improvement, Leadership, Vision and Child Advocacy

  • Employs a principal or educational leader who has knowledge of Montessori principles and practice
  • Has policies and budgets that reflect a continuing commitment to Montessori training and professional development
  • Is guided by Montessori principles in all aspects
  • Utilises an admissions process that informs parents about the nature of Montessori education, the partnerships involved and the commitment required in enrolling in the school or centre
  • Provides education and information programmes that promote an understanding of Montessori education as an aid to life
  • Supports the broader Montessori mission and undertakes continuous development

In order for your organisation to participate in the Quality Assurance Program, to sign and commit to the Montessori Charter of Quality standard, please email us at
