Interview with Jip Bartels from AMI Certification Course: Montessori Sport

Етикети: Montessori principles, freedom with limits, point of interest, control of error, observation, Montessori 6-12, Montessori 12-18, sports, Montessori 3-6, Montessori 0-3, Montessori education

Right now the option to register for AMI Certification Course: Montessori Sport is opened, the course objective is you to understand the connection between sports and Montessori education across all planes of development.

More you can learn from Jim interview below and also you can register for the course here.

Jip is a former professional football player at AFC Ajax and the national youth teams of the Netherlands. 

He was Student of the Year at the VU University Amsterdam (2015) and holds a MSc Business Administration from the University of Amsterdam (2017).  

Besides the 6-12 Orientation Course certificate (2018) and AMI Administration (2023), he is currently enrolled in the AMI Core Principles Course (2024) at the MTRT Training Centre in Hyderabad, India. 

He has been co-founder and Trainer of Montessori Sports since 2018. From 2021 – 2024, he was part of the methodology department from professional football club in the Netherlands, FC Volendam. His specialism is the individual development of children as a person and as a player.

He has worked together with many schools around the world, supporting them with the implementation of sports within the Montessori environment.

  1. Can you explain the difference between Traditional sports education and Montessori sports education?
Youth Sports Traditional Montessori
Paragdigm Coach Player
Focus Adult Child
Structure 1 year age group Mixed age groups
Learning Follow instructions Interaction environment
Materials Adult-sized Child-sized
Coaching Instruction Guides/mentors
Result Win or lose Development
Equality of opportunity Relative age effect in favour of early mature and more physical developed boys  Equal representation of boys and girls regardless of age and maturity
  1. Give us example what can a parent can learn from AMI Certification Course: Montessori Sport?
  • Understanding of Montessori pedagogy 
  • Understand the connection between sports and Montessori education across all planes of development.
  • Differences between traditional and Montessori approach in education and sports
  • Increased understanding of development of their own child(ren)
  • Increased understanding of influence role of the adult
  • Observation skills
  • Acquired basic sports skills to present to your child(ren)
  • Preparation of home environment including sports (based upon Montessori principles)
  • Understand how sports will contribute to your child’s development across all planes of development.
  1. Give us example what can a teacher can learn from AMI Certification Course: Montessori Sport?
  • Understand the connection between sports and Montessori education across all planes of development.
  • How to integrate sports into your school/classroom environment
  • How to prepare sports environments based upon Montessori principles such as plane of development, prepared environment, role of the adult, human tendencies, freedom of choice, freedom with limits, point of interest, control of error and observation
  • Planes of development in relation to movement and sports
  • Preparing activities using lesson planning and materials
  • Acquire basic sports skills to present to the children
  • Observation skills
  • Introduction to world of sports and benefits of sports
  • Maria Montessori’s vision on importance of sports and competition as a tool for personality development of the child
  1. Tell us more how to prepare Montessori sports environments.

When preparing a sports environment, the same principles apply as when preparing a classroom environment. But how does that work, and what does it look like? That is what you will learn during this AMI-certified course from Montessori Sports.

For example, we start by asking: What are the needs and characteristics of the age group? What are the human tendencies? How do these translate to sports?

Based on this, what should the prepared indoor and outdoor environments look like? Which materials should be presented and available?

Speaking of the materials, what is the control of error? What is the point of interest for the child? How can we include freedom of choice while maintaining freedom within limits?

During this training, we help you answer all these questions by showing you the philosophical, theoretical, and practical connections between Montessori and sports.

  1. What advice would you give to someone considering becoming a Montessori teacher?

Montessori pedagogy is the most complete, coherent, and comprehensive approach to child development from birth to adulthood, and it is practiced worldwide. Current research continues to confirm what Maria Montessori discovered over a century ago. This approach places the child’s needs and characteristics at the centre of education. By doing so, we create an environment that supports the child’s development, enabling them to reach their innate potential. 

When understood and applied correctly, the Montessori method transforms the adult’s role from being an obstacle to becoming a guide. So, this approach benefits not only the child but also the adult, making the work more meaningful, energizing, and enabling you to reach your full potential as well.

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