This program is committed to sustainable leadership and gives enlightenment, knowledge and skills, based on the methods and strategies for development of the productivity, the success and transforming experience of the personality to serve to the others.
The program provides the tools for self-reflection and identifying the areas of potential development of the leadership qualities and skills. This program gives a set of tools and strategies for implementing the practical skills in all fields of showing up the organisational leaders.
Being the head of a kindergarten or school is a lonely job and the program provides the support that every school leader needs to succeed.
The program provides in-depth/thorough knowledge of tools and guiding principles for building a culture of growing mindset, a collaborative community and the lift up of the organisation. Growth and improvement is a process in which we observe, analyse in detail, adapt and change. This is dynamic content that allows to meet the individual needs of leadership development,
The content of this training answers the following questions about and shows how:
… The ways of thinking and acting of the successful leaders.
… Protocols and rituals that lead to productivity.
… Building a community of trust and maximum effort.
… Turning the mission into a common experience.
… Leadership in a situation of a crisis.
… Achieving alignment between communication, trust and unity.
… Empowering everyone in the organisation with freedom and responsibility.
… Self-mastery as leaders.
Participants who have passed the training obtain a Certificate of Completion.
Number of qualification credits: 3
Montessori Community Bulgaria possess a certified quality management system in accordance with international standards ISO 9001: 2015 and the training schedule is in the register of the Ministry of Education and and provides credits to teachers.

Goals of the program
- to give room for deep diving in the theory of sustainable leadership, which creates value for everyone in the community.
- to enable the acquisition of knowledge about approaches and strategies for evaluating one’s own journey and growth as a leader.
- to provide experience for acquiring a vision and practicing the ways and means to develop a sustainable organisation, communication tactics and leadership strategy in an educational organisation.
- to develop in-depth knowledge of how to apply the best of what we have learned and discovered in our practice.
- to upgrade on management level, organisational and communication skills with the approaches and tactics of leaders – to be able to build a thriving community, to develop a dedicated place for development, where people are empowered to continue to develop, to know the methods of crisis management situations and work to guide and build organisational culture and understand the role of administrators in management from a system perspective. to support the growth of leadership skills of educational leaders, which will contribute to the prosperity of the community of teachers, children and parents in the eco-system of the organisation.
- to provide a manual for self-assessment and identification of areas of development and to support the growth of mindset about/realising the role of the leader of an organisation.

Content of the program
Interactive presentations, videos, discussions, simulations, bark-out sessions and solving practical cases in the following topics:
Sustainable leadership
- What is sustainable leadership
- The habits and practices of the successful leaders
- Way of thinking of the sustainable leaders
- Tactics for growth mindset
- Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
- The philosophy of the virtuosos
- Authenticity, creativity, productivity, presentation, beauty, prosperity, humanity
Tactics of successful leaders
- Practices of the successful leaders
- Obsessive attention to detail
- Never stop improving
- Always learning
- Move forward
- Craftsmanship as a virtuosity
- Manage your productivity calendar
- Acquiring new habits
- A three-step formula for success
Mission, Culture, Community
- Educational organisation as an ecosystem
- Building a community of trust
- Defining goals, strategy, action plan
- The competitive advantages
- Focus
- Control and management of crisis
- Strive at maximum effort
- Freedom and responsibility
- Work, career, mission

96 hours of theory, case studies, simulations, discussions, role play, creative tasks solving, break-out sessions.
Are you interested?
If you want to sign up for this training program or have other questions, please do not hesitate to contact us!
Contact us
Telephone: +359 878 832 823