Education conference

7 September 2017, 9:00 am-18:00 pm

Sofia Event Center

Child development in the social environment

We need to consider education as a preparation for life. It is related not only to the mastering of academic knowledge, but also to the unique potential of the child to develop independent thinking, decision making, self-discipline, ethic, communication skills, a complex set of cooperation, critical thinking and problem resolution skills.

How is this goal implemented in the family and in the classroom? What are the children’s achievements in the area of social development? Are there specific measurements of the social functioning of the students?

All these questions are topics at the forthcoming Education Conference: Child Development in the Social Environment.

Book the date for your participation!

About the conference

The program of the Education Conference: Child Development in the Social Environment involves the scientific researches by internationally recognized neuropsihologists, sharing expertise of world-class trainers, writers and experts in human potential development. As part of the conference there will be screening of a documentary featuring methodologies to support the social skills development.

Program of the Conference


Opening Ceremony

Anna-Mariya Yotsova, Founder of the national organisation Institute Montessori Bulgaria, affiliated to AMI (Association Montessori Internationale)

Dr. Slaveiko Djambazov, Founder and Managing partner of more than 20 companies, Lecturer and author of books


The Impact of Music Education on Children’s Social Development 

Veneta Neynska, Pianist, Educator and Creative Director of MODO Bulgaria


Maria Montessori’s Psycho-Pedagogy and the resulting Social Development  

Judith Orion, AMI Trainer 0-3 and 3-6, Pedagogical Director of AMI (Association Montessori Internationale)


The change for all “Together from the kindergarten” 

Snezhana Radeva, National coordinator of the initiative of UNICEF and Ministry of Education and Science “Together from the kindergarten” and Consultant for early child development at UNICEF Bulgaria


Coffee Break 


Do we learn from the one we admire or from the one we love?

The theory of natural pedagogy)

Dr. Camelia Hancheva, Chief Assist., Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Psychology


The panda is black and white because plays a lot of chess, or the forgotten art of conversation with children 

Petya Kokudeva, Child writer, Traveler, Ambassador of the “Fun Summer Reading” initiative


Quality education for every child: Challenge and opportunity for the public education

Stefan Stoyanov, Deputy Mayor of Plovdiv Municipality, responsible for education, business development, European projects and international cooperation, Awarded as one of the top 100 innovators from Central and Eastern Europe according to the prestigious ranking of Goolge, the Visegrad Fund and the Financial Times


Children and the future jobs 

Zlatina Mihaylova, Consultant people development and management


Panel Discussion 

Aid to life

What are the key skills for the future and how parents and teachers can support children’s development needs?

Moderator: Mariana Donkova, Deteto igrae

Participants: Judith OrionStefan StoyanovVeneta NeynskaPetya Kokudeva


Lunch Break 


What we know about brain development, Importance of executive function, Neurological aspects of decision making functions, social interactions, and discipline

Steve Hughes PhD, LP, ABPdN, President of the American Board of Pediatric Neuropsychology and Chair of the AMI Global Research Committee


Children in the digital era 

Justine Toms, Online communications expert, Lecturer at the New Bulgarian University, Activist for change


What is Leadership and how to support its development from early years to adolescent

Dr. Sandra Romenska, Director of training and Senior teaching Fellow in Leadership and Management at the University of St Andrews, Scotland, UK


Coffee Break 


Most Likely To Succeed Documentary 

Exclusive screening of the documentary “Most Likely To Succeed”, filmed in well over one hundred classrooms and interviews with teachers, students and parents, education specialists, economists, business leaders like Ted, Tony, Thomas Friedman of the NY Times, Sal Khan of Khan Academy, Lazlo Bock of Google and Sir Ken Robinson, shed light on the urgent need for a new kind of education that develops the uniquely human skills and capacities that cannot be replaced or made obsolete by a machine.


Panel Discussion

Soft Skills Education

What is the key to success of education as we grapple with the ramifications of rapid advances in technology, automation and growing levels of income inequality?

Moderator: Neli Koleva, Teach For Bulgaria

Participants: Judith OrionSteve Hughes PhDDr. Sandra RomenskaJustine Toms


Closing Ceremony
Educational Conference: Children’s development in the social environment should be attended by every parent and teacher who wants to improve the learning process.

Simultaneous translation of all international lectures will be provided during the conference, while the documentary will have subtitles in Bulgarian language.

For more information, please e-mail us to

Speakers at the education conference will be international scientists and neuropsychologists, world-class trainers, writers, and human potential development experts.

Through the meeting of different views of scientists, trainers and experts, the event will discuss the opportunities for growing and strengthening children’s social competences from an early age to adolescence. The conference aims to help parents, teachers and institutions to improve their understanding of children’s development in the social context, to deepen their knowledge of the needs of acquiring the social skills necessary for life.

Beyond the presentations, the conference program offers panel discussions with teachers, parents and representatives of the institutions, which will enable a constructive debate on science-based research and methodologies.


Keynote Speakers

Dr. Steve Hudges 

Steve Hughes PhD, LP, ABPdN is President of the American Board of Pediatric Neuropsychology and Chair of the AMI Global Research Committee. Steve completed his PhD in clinical psychology at the University of Minnesota and his post- doctoral fellowship in pediatric neuropsychology at the University of Minnesota Medical School, where he joined the faculty of the Division of Pediatric Neuropsychology in 2001. He specialises in the neuropsychological assessment of children and adolescents with a wide range of developmental and medical disorders, and assists in the supervision and training of future neuropsychologists. His research interests include measurement of attention and executive functioning in young children, the effects of living in poverty on child development, and the neurodevelopmental benefits of classical Montessori education.

Judith Orion

Judith Orion is a AMI Director of Training, holds the AMI Early Childhood (3-6) diploma and received her Assistants to Infancy (0-3) diploma at the first AMI training for that level, given in Rome. Judi has conducted Primary and Infancy Montessori classes, and is a trainer, examiner, and consultant at both levels. She conducts teacher training internationally and is an adjunct faculty member of Loyola College in Maryland. Judi was also Director of Training for the first 0-6 AMI Diploma course and is now the Pedagogical Director of AMI.

Sandra Romenska

Sandra Romenska is Director of training and Senior teaching Fellow in Leadership and Management at the University of St Andrews, Scotland, UK. Sandra completes her Ph.D. at the University of Oxford in 2010. As part of her work at St. Edmund Hall Oxford University, she is developing a comparative study of institutional innovation and entrepreneurship in higher education in Eastern Europe. Over the past year, Sandra has been leading a project on successful models and best practices to promote leadership skills at school age.

Simultaneous translation into Bulgarian language via earphones will be provided.


Veneta Neynska

Veneta Neynska is a pianist, pedagogue and artistic director of Modo Bulgaria. She earns her education at the prestigious South California University in Los Angeles and the Guildhall School of Music in London. She has taught for ten years, working both with professional musicians and with beginners. She has created a number of musical-educational projects such as Pillow Concerts, Music Pillows School and SM & RT (Music & Subtitles). Veneta strongly believes in the positive impact of applying the fundamental principles of musicology in the education of children and teaching, as well as in the priceless influence of music from the earliest childhood.

Snezhana Radeva

Snezana Radeva is a national coordinator of the initiative of UNICEF and Ministry of Education and Science “Together from the kindergarten” and for more than three years she is a consultant for early child development at UNICEF Bulgaria. Snezhana is a PhD student in pre-school pedagogy with basic education in childhood adolescent psychology and a serious research experience in early childhood.

Dr. Camelia Hancheva

Chief Assist. Dr. Camelia Hancheva, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Psychology, will discuss the emotional aspects of the learning with the subject of “Do we learn from the one we admire or from the one we love?”. The theory of natural pedagogy, developed over the last decade (ToNP Csibra & Gergely, 2009), backed by neuro-physiological research, sheds new light on the issues of learning in the context of the great subject of communicating cultural experiences and achievements of humanity. The main figures of socialization and education – the family and the teachers – are presented in a new way in the interaction process. It discusses the need for human beings to be in the position of both learners and teachers as well as the ways to overcome epistemic vigilance as a spontaneous position in the interactions.

Petya Kokudeva

Petya Kokudeva (1982) is a child writer and traveler. She has graduated from journalism and has a Master’s degree in Creative writing. She has written three poems: Lulu (Special Prize at the National Spring Debate); “Little Creatures” (nomination for the national award “Hristo G. Danov” in the section “Children’s Literature”) and “Pitanky” (National Prize for Children’s Literature “Konstantin Konstantinov”). She is a co-author of a series of cheerful learning materials. Some of her poems have been translated into songs and others are included in the second class readings. One of the permanent ambassadors of the “Fun Summer Reading” initiative. She often meets with children all over the country to read and fantasize together. She has been children’s workshops for writing stories, making up words, poetry.

Stefan Stoyanov

Stefan Stoyanov is a second-term Deputy Mayor of Plovdiv (since 2011). During his second term, he is responsible for education, business development, European projects and international cooperation. Advocates for a series of educational reforms such as the introduction of the Montessori pedagogy to the public kindergartens and schools, the introduction of G-Suite and Windows 365 to schools, the initiation of the Innovative Schools Program, the start of the development of the dual education into vocational schools and others. At the end of 2016, due to his work on reforms in education, he has been awarded as one of the top 100 innovators from Central and Eastern Europe according to the prestigious ranking of Goolge, the Visegrad Fund and the Financial Times.

Justine Toms

Justine Toms is an online communications expert with more than 20 years of experience. In the last 10 years she teaches at the New Bulgarian University and leads a number of lectures on parenting, communication, Internet, children and online safety. Author of more than 10 books on the subject. Parent. Activist for change.

Zlatina Mihaylova

Zlatina Mihaylova works in the field of people development and management more than 19 years. Her passion is learning and developing – people, organizations and societies. Zlatina has been Organizational Development Manager of denkstatt, responsible for managing people and knowledge in the denkstatt countries – Austria, Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania and Slovakia. Previously, she has a work experience as a manager at Deloitte Consulting team. Zlatina actively seeks ways to help people and organizations create a working environment and jobs where the needs and interests are respectful, to which people are accepted as a whole, as a body of mind, soul, heart, and spirit.

Dr. Slaveiko Djambazov

Dr. Slaveiko Dzhambazov is a founder and managing partner in more than 20 companies, pioneers in the field of healthcare. Over the last 6 years he has been working on various projects such as a private investor, consultant, mentor, expert and friend. He has an international experience in the field of hospital management, health insurance, pharmaceutical production, strategic planning and marketing. He is a graduate of the American University – MBA, and in addition to medicine, he also graduated from Health Management. Lecturer and author of health technology assessment textbooks, telemedicine-friendly. Proud father of Olika and Renia.


Educational Conference: Children’s development in the social environment should be attended by every parent and teacher who wants to improve the learning process.

You could send us questions to the speakers by clicking here.

As part of the conference program on 17 September, an exclusive screening of the documentary “Most Likely To Succeed” will be held in Bulgaria.

On 17th of September Education Conference: Child Development in the Social Environment will take part in Most Likely to Succeed’s worldwide campaign to re-imagine education.

The acclaimed film Most Likely to Succeed opens a discussion on how today’s school prepares children for the skills of the future and offers an inspiring look at what students and teachers are capable of—if we have the vision and courage to transform our schools.

Directed by acclaimed documentarian Greg Whiteley, the film has been an official selection of two dozen of the world’s top film festivals, including Sundance, Tribeca, and AFI DOCS. It’s been featured at leading conferences on education, including ASU/GSV, SxSWedu, Harvard/GoldmanSachs, and NewSchools Venture Fund. Audience members call it the most compelling film ever done on the topic of school. In the past year, more than 2,300 communities have booked a screening of Most Likely to Succeed.

The documentary is filmed in well over one hundred classrooms and interviews with teachers, students and parents, education specialists, economists, business leaders like Ted, Tony, Thomas Friedman of the NY Times, Sal Khan of Khan Academy, Lazlo Bock of Google and Sir Ken Robinson, shed light on the urgent need for a new kind of education that develops the uniquely human skills and capacities that cannot be replaced or made obsolete by a machine.

Most Likely to Succeed points to a transformation in learning that may hold the key to success of education as we grapple with the ramifications of rapid advances in technology, automation and growing levels of income inequality.

This film should be watched by every caring parent and educator who wants to improve the learning process.

Watch the film trailer:

Ongoing Program

As part of the conference program there will be organised workshops, children’s activities and presentations with free access for all people willing to take part. Children are welcome for free!


Play lab with Open Geoboard


Open Geoboard* is a wooden geometric board and platform that represents, develops and explores geometric concepts and principles: shapes, shapes, symmetry, coordination, three-dimensional space. You will have the opportunity to explore your imagination, the accuracy of your fingers, your sense of space, symmetry, balance, teamwork.


At home with Montessori method


Iva Drincheva is the woman behind the successful facebook group At home with Montessori. She will take part in the upcoming Educational Conference as a workshop lead or demonstrating how to apply Montessori principles at home and presenting how to design Montessori materials with handy tools such as a box of shoes or supplies that are in every home, and with a little dexterity and information will become interesting play and learning objects for your children.


Meditate with Milena Goleva – Yoga for children and adults


Inspiration, Self-Development and Positivity! Meditation can help self-control and make children able to focus. Perhaps the encouragement of meditation and combined practices for the mind and body will begin to be recognized as important elements of a clever parenting, just like teaching the child how to work hard, eat healthily, and exercise regularly.


Creative workshop with Art Land


Art Land creative workshop is focused on soft dolls, textile techniques, decoupage, dolls and other applied techniques for children from 3 to 103 years of age! After the show, children can make soft dolls. We will be waiting for you!


Music workshop with Music Play


We give children the love of art, and it enhances the thoughts and feelings of the human being. By educating our children through the most emotion-loving art – music, we believe that in the most delicate way we shape their character.

Our team will tell you about the new ideas that Music Play launches in the music education in Bulgaria. You will learn more about the various activities and projects of the organization that cover all age groups. Those wishing to play real musical instruments will receive a free lesson.


Meaningful play for children up to 5 y.o.a with Deteto Igrae


Do the screen time in the games for children up to 5 years of age? We believe that children learn most easily when they engage in fun activities that are tailored to their pace of development, interests and desires. That is why we will share and show many ideas that help parents play actively with their children, develop many key skills from birth and educate them as confident and capable individuals.


Music workshop with Music Play


We give children the love of art, and it enhances the thoughts and feelings of the human being. By educating our children through the most emotion-loving art – music, we believe that in the most delicate way we shape their character.

Our team will tell you about the new ideas that Music Play launches in the music education in Bulgaria. You will learn more about the various activities and projects of the organization that cover all age groups. Those wishing to play real musical instruments will receive a free lesson.


Programming with MundHub


For young programmers in our area, we will organize different workshops, which together make our first steps in programming. We’ll program the robot behavior, create games and interactive animations.
To their parents, we will show how, using the technology method, using children’s technology, children can be transformed from consumers into creators. We will tell how and why we help them develop their thinking, creativity and proactivity. We will answer the question why we are building a social environment in which children communicate actively in small groups and why it is important to develop their teamwork skills.


Play lab with Open Geoboard


Open Geoboard* is a wooden geometric board and platform that represents, develops and explores geometric concepts and principles: shapes, shapes, symmetry, coordination, three-dimensional space. You will have the opportunity to explore your imagination, the accuracy of your fingers, your sense of space, symmetry, balance, teamwork.

The program of workshops and activities is open to all visitors of Paradise Center. We will be expecting you with your child and friends!

If you have question or suggestions, please send us an e-mail to

The conference will help parents and teachers to enrich their understanding of children’s development in the social context, deepen their knowledge of the needs of social skills for life.

As part of the program of Educational Conference: Child Development in the Social Environment, parents and teachers will be able to benefit from presentations and demonstrations of well-established and innovative programs, methodologies and tools to support the children from early age to adolescence.

Demonstration and information corners

Teach For Bulgaria

The vision of Teach For Bulgaria is to have one day every child in Bulgaria enjoy quality education, regardless of the school he/she goes to, the town or village he/she resides in or if his/her parents have any financial means or not.

Teach For Bulgaria trains and supports exceptionally capable Bulgarians to become teachers in Bulgarian schools for a period of two years and long-term supporters of the cause of equal access to quality education.


Ribka Publishing House

This is Ribka Publishing House. Few in size. Great in the shower. Publishing of children. And their parents.

If you walk through our corner, you will be able to get a handful of first-class inspiration, admire wonderful illustrations and see some of our latest titles, and live even more impressive.


Montessori School Otkrivatel

We are inspiring and supporting the unfolding mind of the child by implementing global methodologies for Montessori education. The learning environment and curriculum are designed according the standards of AMI (Association Montessori Internationale) and licensed by Ministry of Education and Science and recognised as an innovative school program.

At our corner we will answer all of your questions about your child’s education from 1 to 15 years of age, upcoming school projects, and how we develop love for learning and the Universe.


Music Play: Music school for children

In Music Playhouse, the children are transferred to a magical musical world. The music nurtures everyone with a sense of freedom and optimism. The best thing about our work is that we discover, awaken and develop children’s musical talents. It inspires them, loads them with positive emotions, elevated mood and generates the pursuit of kindness and beauty.

Our team will tell you about the new ideas that Music Play launches in the music education in Bulgaria. You will learn more about the various activities and projects of the organization that cover all age groups. Those wishing to play real musical instruments will receive a free lesson.


At Home with Montessori 

Iva Drincheva is “the mother of two wonderful boys and the wife of a wonderful and extremely patient man.” She is the woman behind the successful facebook group Home at the Montessori method, where he disseminates the principles of the Montessori method, informs and discusses practical ideas.

She will tell us how to apply Montessori principles at home and demonstrate how to design Montessori materials with handy tools such as a box of shoes or medicines that are in every home, and with some dexterity and information will turn into interesting subjects for play and learning for your children.



The best thing is that we make the kids happy and motivated!

Envison is a software system designed to make it easier for teachers to work and to work on solving the two main problems in primary education, namely the lack of resources that can be allocated to classroom equipment and the lack of interest in science in children.

Visitors to our stand will showcase great Bulgarian educational products on a world level!



KindyROO is an Australian early child development program designed to show the parent how to stimulate baby and child development in the right way. Our main focus is on sensory-motor integration and the timely suppression of primary reflexes in order to achieve optimal neurological development, to reveal the potential of children to learn.

We impose a model of work that focuses not only on the professionalism and quality of the service, but also on the smile and positivism, the creation of a community and the desire for constant development. We enable children under 3 years of age to develop their skills. We also have babies 6 weeks after their birth – this is an education sphere in which very few institutions operate.



MindHub is the first innovative programming club for children between the ages of 6 and 11, launched in December 2015. We help children develop their logical and analytical thinking by studying the fundamentals of programming. At MindHub, we believe that digital skills are a basic prerequisite for success in the professions of the future. Our mission is to direct children’s interest in technology in a direction that will help them acquire the basic digital skills and competences, logical and analytical thinking needed for success in every field.
With a lot of passion and innovation, we create an environment where children can be distinguished!


Nienhuis Montessori

Here you can find certified Montessori materials and games that allow children to explore the world by themselves. Nienhuis Montessori’s product range enables children to discover the world independently.

Nienhuis Montessori only uses the best materials, created with care, commitment and attention to detail. Nienhuis combines skills with technology and has been doing so for over 85 years. Educating people is a skill. Nienhuis Montessori has been officially endorsed by the Association Montessori Internationale (AMI) for decades.

It is world’s leading brand when it comes to Montessori materials. Learn more about our materials.


Open Geoboard 

Open Geoboard* is a wooden geometric board and platform that represents, develops and explores geometric concepts and principles: shapes, shapes, symmetry, coordination, three-dimensional space. You will have the opportunity to explore your imagination, the accuracy of your fingers, your sense of space, symmetry, balance, teamwork.

We believe that children are transforming elements of society that will lead to a harmonious and peaceful world.

Visit the demonstration areas that is with free access for all visitors of Paradise Center. Take advantage of presentations of well-established and innovative programs, methodologies and ways to help children from early age to adolescence.
Looking forward to meeting you there!


If you want to arrange a Demo corner, please e-mail us:

Become a SPONSOR
Sponsorship package

5 000lv.

3 500lv.

1 500lv.

Before the conference
Logo and link on the Conference website and social media




Communication in all invitations by e-mail




News/logo in the information newsletter to institute Montessori Bulgaria and partner organisations




Logo placement in all promotional materials for the conference




Logo placement in promo-video of the conference




Tickets for the conference




During the conference
Logo placement in the conference program




Communication of the sponsor during the opening ceremony




Opportunities for distribution of promotional materials and take-aways




Participation with a lecture or workshop




Branded corner




Positioning of advertisement




„Within the child lies the fate of the future.“
Dr. Maria Montessori




Participation in the conference requires to register here and get a ticket on the amount of 45 leva. Alternatively, you could get a ticket by Eventim and sign in sending an e-mail to Special discounts for all individual members and subscribed educational organisations of Institute Montessori Bulgaria.

As part of the conference program there will be organised workshops, children’s activities and presentations with free access for all people willing to take part.

Children are welcome for free!

Stay up to date with the conference program – follow the event’s website and Facebook page.

If you have questions or need additional information, e-mail us at


Partners and Supporting Organisations
