Parents section | Independence in Eating

Етикети: Montessori 3-6, Montessori 0-3, Montessori parents
  1. Prepare a low kitchen cabinet for your child’s small drinking glasses, a small jug , bowls, plates, spoons, and forks, each with their own place in that cupboard.
  1. When choosing dishes, find child-sized versions made of breakable materials, not plastic. Your child will learn how to handle objects with care by occasionally dropping something that breaks. Breakage should be handled without anger or scolding. Children quickly learn to hold dishes with care.
  1. Children are more likely to eat something if they have helped prepare the food. Small children can peel a mandarin orange or a banana if you start them off.
  1. Your child can contribute to preparing meals by doing simple tasks like scrubbing a potato, cleaning a carrot or cutting a banana using child-sized utensils.
  1. Demonstrate how to do this by slowing down your movements and breaking more complex movements into simple steps so your child can see what to do.
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