Course Director
Heidi Philippart
Heidi Philippart M.A.(Edu), A.M.I.(Dip), lives and works in Amsterdam. She was first introduced to Montessori in the late 80’s early 90’s, while working under the guidance of Patty Wallner (AMI Assistant to Infancy trainer) and Silvana Montanaro (founder of the AMI Assistant to Infancy programme). Heidi trained in Denver with Judi Orion on the Assistant to Infancy level, has worked extensively with the 0-3 programme and is an AMI trainer on the Assistant to Infancy level. In 1996 she opened her first Montessori school and now runs two small Montessori Bilingual Preschools in the centre of Amsterdam, working with between 80 – 90 families every year. Her speciality is helping parents in the application of Montessori principles and bilingualism in the home environment. Heidi has spoken extensively around the Netherlands and internationally (France, USA, Australia, Britain) on Montessori related topics such as toilet independence, preparation of the home environment and the general area of birth to three. Heidi is presently working on the AMI Diploma – Assistant to Infancy in London.

Benefits of the course
- Receive International Certificate by Association Montessori Internationale (AMI) recognized all over the world.
- Learn from a very experienced AMI Training Directress Heidi Philippart.
- Study International AMI Assistants Course from the comfort of your home.

Who is this course for?
- Parents
- Teachers
- School leaders and administrators
- All adults interested in child development

Goal of the course
- Become able assistants in a Montessori Nido and/or Montessori Toddler Community.
- Learn how to support and help the classroom director/directress maintain equilibrium within the class, how to observe, when and how to intervene and not interfere.
- Gain knowledge of Montessori’s understanding of development of independence.
- Acquire the ability to support the development of the child by assisting the teacher.
Course Duration
60 hours of live online sessions.
Independent Study
Approximately 10 hours of independent study.
9 additional hours of obligatory observations.
COVID-19 Restrictions
Specific instructions on how to observe will be given during the Course, taking into account the restrictions which may be imposed by Covid 19.

Course Schedule
November 6-8, 2020
November 13-15, 2020
November 27-29, 2020
December 11-13, 2020
Friday 18:00-21:00
Saturday 11:00-18:00
Sunday 11:00-16:00

Online Format
There will be live lectures given by trainers on “Zoom” platform.
Course work and course communication will be done on platform “Schoology”.
The course requires general ability to use computers and the internet and willingness to learn to use Zoom and Schoology platforms.
Students will receive technical support during the period of time when the course is given.

Course language
- English.
- With interpretation of the spoken word to Bulgarian, Czech and Hebrew.
- All course work, including written assignments, can be done in English, Bulgarian, Czech, Slovak and Hebrew.
- Students need to have an adequate level of spoken and written English, Bulgarian, Czech, Slovak or Hebrew to take the course.
Course Content
- Introduction to Montessori
- The Role of the Directress
- The Role of the Assistant
- Overview of the Planes of Development
- The Child’s Mind from 0-6 years
- Order
- Movement 0-3
- Language
- Independence
- Prepared environment
- Freedom and Discipline
- Observation
- Music and Art
- Maintaining the Environment
- Toilet Learning
- Material Making
Some time will be be dedicated to the reading and discussion of Maria Montessori’s texts relevant to topics given.

Obligatory reading
Requirements for certification
Three essays
Submission of three papers (500 words) on topics set by the Trainer.
9 hours of observation.
Reports and Notes
Submission of observation notes and observation report.
Submission of handmade materials – mobiles and language cards and making of the video of a 3period lesson.
Minimum of 90% attendance.
Overall satisfactory participation in the course
As evaluated by the Course Director.
If you would like to register in the upcoming AMI AC 0-3 or have any other questions, please contact us!

Contact us
If you would like to register in the upcoming AMI AC 0-3 or have any other questions, please contact us!
Online registration form: click here
Telephone: +359 878 832 823
The course will be conducted in English with simultaneous translation in Bulgarian language.
The course is run by Association Montessori Internationale and is co-hosted by Montessori Society Bulgaria and Montessori Institute Prague.