Course Director
Cordula Arana

Cordula Arana Lehrer is a primary school teacher and AMI Director of Training for the 6-12 year old child. She holds AMI diplomas for infants (San Diego/USA), children’s house (Perugia/Italy) and primary level (Bergamo/Italy).
Ms. Arana graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Education from the Pedagogical Academy of the Diocese in Linz/Austria. She studied violoncello at the Anton Bruckner University in Linz/Austria. At the University of Vienna she studied special and remedial education for several semesters. Further training in Sensory Integration, Tomatis, Gordon Communication Training and NLP broadened her educational experience.
She has now lived in Lucerne for 17 years and taught 4-6 grade at the Montessori School Lucerne in a mixed-age class until 2020. Ms Arana works internationally as a lecturer and examiner at various AMI courses. In the spring of 2017, she taught the first German-language AMI Elementary Assistant Course in Lucerne. Her mentors were Dr. Peter Gebhardt-Seele, Baiba Krumins Grazzini, Anne Dunne and Alison Awes.
Cordula is married to Hugo Arana. Making music, cooking, sports and reading enrich her private life.
“The first duty of the educator, whether dealing with the newborn or an older child, is to recognize and respect the human personality of the young being.” (Maria Montessori, The child in the Family, Chapter V)
- Receive International Certificate by Association Montessori Internationale (AMI) recognized all over the world.
- Learn from a very experienced AMI Training Directress Cordula Arana.
- Study International AMI Assistants Course from the comfort of your home.

School leaders and administrators
All adults interested in child development

Become able assistants in a Montessori Elementary classroom.
Learn about the depth of Montessori philosophy with regard to child development.
Learn how to interact with children in the elementary classroom and with a Montessori trained teacher.
Learn about the importance of observation and learn to observe.
Acquire ability to support the development of the elementary child.
- 60 hours of live online sessions and additional independent study.
- Approximately 10 hours of independent study.
- 9 additional hours of obligatory observations.
- Specific instructions on how to observe will be given during the course, taking into account the restrictions which may be imposed by Covid 19.

Obligatory Course Orientation Session for all students:
November 16, 2021, 6–7:30pm
November 16-20, 2021 |
November 23-27, 2021 |
December 7-11, 2021 |
December 14-18, 2021 |
Course Hours:
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 6-9pm
Saturday 10am-5pm
Outside of this course schedule, students will undertake 9 hours of Observation. Specific instructions on how to conduct Observation will be given during the Course.
These dates may be subject to change.
Any change will be announced in advance and in writing.

There will be live lectures given by trainers on “Zoom” platform.
Course work and course communication will be done on platform “Schoology”.
The course requires general ability to use computers and the internet and willingness to learn to use Zoom and Schoology platforms.
Students will receive technical support during the period of time when the course is given.

With interpretation of the spoken word to Czech and Hebrew.
All course work, including written assignments, can be done in English, Czech, Slovak and Hebrew.
Students need to have an adequate level of spoken and written English, Czech, Slovak or Hebrew to take the course.
I. Introduction to Montessori
II. Introduction to Montessori’s theory of human development
• Needs and tendencies
• Self construction
• Four planes of development
• Characteristics of child in second plane
III. The prepared environment for the second plane
• The elementary teacher
• The materials
• Other adults (assistant, experts)
IV. The plan for the elementary child
• Cosmic education
• The pedagogical techniques (examples of lessons may be included)
• Role of teacher (transmitter of knowledge, inspiration)
• Class composition (mixed ages, suf cient children)
• Story telling/oral introductions (Great Stories/ other stories)
• Content knowledge (key lessons)
• Sensorial/imaginative presentations, leading to abstraction
• Develop imagination, leading to creativity
• Awareness of necessity for social/moral development
• Going Out (implementing the child’s self construction)
• Other adults (there is more outside the classroom)
V. Freedom and responsibility
• Freedom as applied to child in elementary environment
• Responsibility as applied to child in elementary environment
VI. Interacting with the elementary child
• Manner of speaking to a child
• Appropriate direction for a child
• Manner of redirecting child
VII. Assisting the trained teacher:
• Have regular meetings with the teacher
• Observation of the children that supports the work of the teacher/child
• Maintenance of the environment
• Ordering supplies
• Accompanying children on Going Outs
• Role Model for appropriate classroom behaviours (language, movement, activity)
• Maintain confidentiality
Some time will be be dedicated to the reading and discussion of Maria Montessori’s texts relevant to topics given.


If you would like to register in the upcoming AMI AC 6-12 or have any other questions, please contact us!
Contact us
Online registration form: click here
Telephone: +359 878 832 823
The course will be conducted in English with simultaneous translation in Bulgarian language.
The course is run by Association Montessori Internationale and is co-hosted by Montessori Society Bulgaria and Montessori Institute Prague.